
Game Dev Blog & Tutorials


Local UVs for Sprites in Sprite Sheet/Atlas

A small post explaining how to convert the UVs of a sprite sheet (or sprites packed in an atlas) into local 0-1 coordinates across each sprite in the shader

Shader Graph

Custom Renderer Features

Goes through examples of Renderer Features and explains how to write Custom Renderer Features and Scriptable Render Passes for Universal RP


Swapping Colours

Examples of how to adjust/swap colours or colour palettes for a given texture/procedural input.

Shader Graph

Writing Shader Code in Universal RP (v2)

Explains how shader code (ShaderLab & HLSL) is written to support the Universal RP


Intro to Shader Graph

A detailed introduction on how to use Unity Shader Graph! Graph setup, Data types, Understanding Previews, Properties, Keywords, Sub Graphs and more!

Shader Graph

Intro to the Shader Pipeline

An introduction to what a Mesh, Shader and Material is in Unity, how to set Shader Properties from C#, various types of Batching, and a brief look at Forward, Forward+ and Deferred rendering paths



A big post explaining everything about Depth : Depth Buffer, Depth Texture / Scene Depth node, SV_Depth, Reconstructing World Position from Depth, etc.

Shader Graph

Vertex Displacement

A post explaining how to move vertices in Shader Graph, providing examples such as swaying grass and animated fish and butterflies. Also includes info about recalculating normal vectors.

Shader Graph

Polar Coordinates

A post explaining the Polar Coordinates node

Shader Graph

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