Intro to Shader Graph
Hey! This post is a detailed introduction to using Shader Graph - a node based shader editor for Unity that is provided for the Scriptable Render Pipelines (SRPs), including the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) and High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP). We’ll be going over how to use the tool and it’s features, not necessarily how to create shaders using it. I have other tutorial breakdowns that go over creating specific shader effects if you’re interested in that.
Be aware that Shader Graph is also now supported in the Built-in Pipeline for Unity 2021.2+, though may be limited in some features. It is not supported for previous versions.
You may also see the “Lightweight Render Pipeline (LWRP)” mentioned online, which was renamed to URP during development. You may still find LWRP listed in the package manager but the newer versions (e.g. v7 onwards) should actually be identical to URP as far as I am aware. If you are installing the package manually, I’d suggest just using the Universal RP one instead.
If you aren’t familiar with what shaders and materials are, I’d recommend looking at my Intro to Shaders post before reading this one, or other similar resources online.
(Also note, any keyboard shortcuts will be based on Windows)
Sections :
- Installing Shader Graph / URP / HDRP
- Graph Types
- Graph Inspector
- Master Stack
- Save Graph
- Nodes
- Data Types
- Coordinate Spaces
- Understanding Previews
- Main Preview
- Blackboard
- Grouping Nodes
- Sticky Notes
- Shortcut Keys
- Sub Graphs
- Fragment-Only Nodes
- Advanced
While not a part of this post, the following techniques are useful to know. I might do future posts on them, for now I’ve linked some external resources/docs pages. Will update links to them when possible!
- Sampling Textures (e.g. Sample Texture 2D)
- PBR Textures (Albedo map, Metallic map, Occlusion map, etc.) (this unity blog post might help explain these)
- Normal Mapping (Sample Texture 2D node with Normal mode)
- HDRP Mask & Detail (docs)
- UV Manipulation
- Scrolling (Time node into Offset of Tiling And Offset)
- Distortion (Briefly mentioned in the Preview, UV section)
- Remapping & Blending
- Lerp (see this tweet thread by Freya Holmér)
- Inverse Lerp (see this tweet thread by Freya Holmér)
- Remap (same as Inverse Lerp into Lerp)
- Blend (docs. Provides similar blending modes to image manipulation software like Photoshop/GIMP/etc. Override mode is same as Lerp)
- Step & Smoothstep (step docs, smoothstep docs. Also see book of shaders pages, step, smoothstep)
- Fresnel Effect (Used for rim-lighting effects, I have an old post here but it’s not very good)
- Vertex Displacement
- Parallax (see CatlikeCoding and Harry Alisavakis’s posts, 1 and 2)
- Also related, Interior Mapping (see this tweet thread)
- Depth
Also check the site’s Contents page for full list of Shader Breakdowns & other tutorials!
Installing Shader Graph
Shader Graph is a node based shader editor that is mostly intended for the Scriptable Render Pipelines. But it does also have some Built-in RP support now for Unity 2021.2+. If in that version or higher, you can install the Shader Graph package via the Package Manager (accessed via Window on the top menu).
For the Universal RP and High Definition RP, Shader Graph is already included in their packages so will automatically be installed alongside them. Select one of the URP/HDRP templates when starting a new project or install the URP/HDRP package manually via the Package Manager.
If installed manually, this will also require following some additional setup - such as creating and assigning a Pipeline Asset under the Project Settings → Graphics tab. The asset can also be overriden per Quality setting. You’ll also need to convert materials to use the shaders from the appropiate pipeline, this can be done automatically from the Edit → Render Pipeline menu but will only work for the Standard built-in shaders. Any custom shaders cannot be upgraded automatically and will require rewriting. For additional setup instructions see the “Getting Started” tabs in the documentation :
I would mainly recommend that beginners start with URP as it is much simpler than HDRP (and most of my tutorials are written for URP). Some tutorials may also work in HDRP but may require some additional tweaks (due to differences like Camera-Relative rendering and different master nodes/stack).
There is also documentation for Shader Graph. The Node Library in particular can be very useful for learning what each node does, but it can also be accessed in Shader Graph by right-clicking a node and selecting “Open Documentation”.
Also be aware you can view your current Shader Graph version in the Package Manager window (accessed via Window on the top menu). You might also be able to update the version here though some aren’t available unless you also update Unity itself. (e.g. v10 is only available for 2020.2 onwards)
Graph Types
To create a Shader Graph Asset, right-click somewhere in your Assets in the Project window then select Create → Shader.
At the top there will be some options related to writing shaders using code (CG/HLSL), Surface Shader, Unlit Shader, etc. These templates are intended for the Built-in Render Pipeline and may not function in other pipelines. As the focus of this article is on Shader Graph, we want to ignore these. Under them, you should see a list of “Graph” options assuming Shader Graph has been installed correctly. If not, see the previous section.
In v10+ (Unity 2020.2+) there is three graphs listed here :
- Blank Shader Graph : A shader graph with no predefined settings. All other graphs (except for Sub Graphs) are a version of this graph with settings already adjusted. It’s possible to switch between them at any time through the use of the Graph Settings as discussed in the next section. While a Material can be created using a Blank Shader Graph, the resulting shader will be the magenta error shader unless configured into one of the other types. Using one of the other templates can provide quicker setup.
- Sub Graph : A special type of graph that can be used as a node in other graphs. Useful for creating functions that you will want to reuse many times and for organising large graphs. Sub Graphs can also be nested in other Sub Graphs. A later section will go into these in more detail.
- VFX Shader Graph : For creating a shader that is compatible with the Visual Effect Graph, used for creating particle effects. It cannot be applied to regular GameObjects/Renderers, only in the VFX Graph Output Particle blocks. (Note : VFX Graph is still in preview for URP so may need to be installed as a separate package). If you aren’t using VFX Graph, ignore this graph type.
If URP is installed, in v10+ a “Universal Render Pipeline” heading is shown with the following :
- Lit Shader Graph : Known as the “PBR Graph” prior to v10. Used for creating a graph that handles lighting for 3D mesh objects, using a Physically Based Rendering lighting model, similar to the URP/Lit Shader (or the built-in RP’s Standard shader / surface shaders).
- Sprite Lit Shader Graph : For use with Sprites and URP’s 2D Renderer & 2D lighting system
- Sprite Unlit Shader Graph : For use with Sprites. Always fully lit, is not affected by lights.
- Unlit Shader Graph : Always fully lit, is not affected by lights. Can be used for 3D objects, but also in other places like UI (if set to transparent, though Shader Graph does not properly support UI really). Can also be used for custom full screen post processing effects (along with a Blit Renderer Feature, see example here).
And if HDRP is installed, a “HDRP” heading is shown, with the following graph types. I’m not familiar with HDRP so I’ll be linking docs more than trying to explain them :
- Decal Shader Graph : Used for creating decals which project the material onto (opaque) objects in the scene.
- Eye Shader Graph : Used for rendering eyes. There isn’t a proper docs page for the master node / graph type, but the Eye shader HDRP provides apparently is built upon it, so this page might provide some information.
- Fabric Shader Graph : Uses either cotton wool or anisotropic silk as its base and supports various additional effects, such as Subsurface Scattering, to give you the ability to create realistic looking fabrics.
- Hair Shader Graph : Used for rendering hair or fur.
- Lit Shader Graph : Used for creating a graph that handles lighting for 3D mesh objects, using a Physically Based Rendering lighting model. Also see Material Type.
- StackLit Shader Graph : Similar to the Lit shader but favours quality over performance. It allows you to stack multiple high quality effects ontop of eachother, such as anisotropy, subsurface scattering, iridescence, and hazy parametrization. It is expensive, so I believe it is intended more for visualizations / renders, rather than in gameplay.
- Unlit Shader Graph : Similar to URP’s Unlit Graph but with additional values. Always fully lit, is not affected by lights.
You may also notice a few extra non-graph options. Again, these are for Shader Code / HLSL (High Level Shading Language) which isn’t the focus of this tutorial.
Graph Inspector
In v10+, the Graph Inspector window was added, which can be toggled using the button in the top right of the graph. It has two tabs, Node Settings and Graph Settings.
The Graph Settings tab is important to set up the graph correctly if you’ve selected the Blank Shader Graph or want to switch to a different graph type. We need to select an Active Target (Universal, HDRP or Visual Effect, depending on which is installed in the project). It’s also possible to add multiple active targets to the list, if you need it to be compiled for more than one that is.
Once a target is selected, more settings are added below the list. I’ll be going through the Universal ones below but HDRP has some similar ones too (listed on their graph type / master node pages, as linked above). HDRP also exposes it’s settings in the Material Inspector but sadly URP doesn’t do this currently.
Prior to v10, these settings can instead be found on the Master node. While hovering over it, a small cog/gear icon appears in the top right of the node which shows the settings when clicked.
The settings for URP are :
- Material : Selects the graph type. Can be Unlit, Lit, or Sprite Unlit/Lit.
- As an example, if Lit is selected Shader Graph will automatically handle lighting calculations based on Physically Based Rendering (PBR) lighting models and add more inputs to the Master Stack such as Metallic, Smoothness and Tangent space Normal. This will be explained in more detail in the section below.
- Surface : Can be Opaque or Transparent
- Blend : If Transparent is selected, a Blend type option will appear which determines how the transparency is handled. The options here are :
- Alpha : Regular alpha blending. Is equivalent to
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha, One OneMinusSrcAlpha
in ShaderLab (Shader code), where the first term (SrcAlpha
, referring to the Alpha port of the Master Stack) is multiplied by the Base Color output and the second term (OneMinusSrcAlpha
) is multiplied by the colour already on screen. These two are added together which is then written to the screen. (The other two terms after the comma are used for the alpha channel only)- In this case, the calculation is identical to what a Lerp (linear interpolation) does, with the alpha as the mask/T input.
- If the Alpha is 0, the colour on screen is not changed. While a value of 1 might appear opaque due to using the full Base Color, there can still be issues with sorting Transparent objects as they do not write to the Depth Buffer. Can find more information here.
- In terms of fixing this, there isn’t really a perfect way. Separate opaque and transparent parts of a model. Transparent objects are also sorted by the origins, so if you’re mesh contains multiple transparent parts it’ll sort better if you split them into separate parts. You can also force the Render Queue on the Material if you always want one transparent object to appear in-front of another. Dithering & alpha clip/cutout in an opaque shader can also be used as an alternative to transparency.
- Premultiply : Is equivalent to
Blend One OneMinusSrcAlpha, One OneMinusSrcAlpha
. When used in Unlit, it produces the same result as Alpha. In a Lit graph however, the alpha is multipled with the colour before other calculations are combined, so the other ports like Smoothness, Metallic, Ambient Occlusion, etc. will affect the result. Even at 0 alpha, you may still see something due to these settings. - Additive : Is equivalent to
Blend One One
. In other words, the colour on the screen is added with the colour output from the shader. e.g. Red and Green produces Yellow, because that’s how RGB colours add together. Outputting a Base Color of Black (0,0,0) means no change / invisible. The Alpha port is not used. - Multiply : Is equivalent to
Blend DstColor Zero
. In other words, the colour on the screen is multiplied with the colour output from the shader. Outputting White (1,1,1) means no change / invisible. The Alpha port is not used.
- Alpha : Regular alpha blending. Is equivalent to
- Alpha Clip : Toggles alpha clipping. If enabled, an Alpha Clip Threshold port will be added to the Master Stack. For each fragment/pixel, if the Alpha value is lower than the threshold the fragment is discarded, meaning it isn’t rendered. This can be done with both surface modes. Using Opaque & Alpha Clip is common for foliage effects to make sure they are sorted correctly.
- Two Sided : If enabled, Back-faces will also be rendered, otherwise they are culled. Be aware that for URP you may need to flip the Tangent space Normal for these faces in order to get the correct lighting/shading. You can do this with the Is Front Face node and a Branch like so :
Two Sided might also cause issues with shadows if the Normal Bias is used on the URP Asset, as this pushes the vertices in the normal direction and will lead to self-shadowing for back faces.
Unlike the ShaderLab “Cull” option and HDRP’s settings, it’s currently not possible to cull Front faces only in URP. While you could use the Is Front Face node and Alpha Clip them away, this is not very efficient. Alternatives would be to use a mesh with the faces already flipped, or generate shader code from the graph, save it in your assets, edit it to Cull Front
and use that new shader instead of the graph. Editing the generated code is discussed more in a later section here.
Master Stack
Prior to v10, You could switch between graph types by creating a new Master Node (e.g. Unlit, PBR), right-clicking it and setting it as the Active one.
In v10, these Master nodes were removed and replaced by the Master Stack. Unlike Master nodes, there can only be one Master Stack in the graph. Each port in the stack is attached to a Block.
The blocks required by the graph type will automatically change when switching the type (explained in the section above), assuming the “Automatically Add or Remove Blocks” option is enabled in Edit → Preferences → Shader Graph.
Any blocks that the previous type had (which are connected to or the default value edited), will remain in the stack but may become greyed out if the new graph type doesn’t make use of them. For example, a Lit graph has a Smoothness block/port. If something is connected and the graph type changes to Unlit, the port will remain but become greyed out as it is no longer used.
Blocks in the stack can be removed by right-clicking them and selecting “Delete” from the dropdown.
Blocks can also be added manually by hovering over gaps between two blocks, or at the end of the last block. Right-click and select Create Node, or press Space. While you can add blocks, they’ll still be greyed out if the graph type doesn’t use them.
The stack also provides a clearer distinction between the Vertex and Fragment stages of the shader, and different blocks are available for each.
If you are unfamiliar, the Vertex stage runs for each vertex in the mesh being rendered, transforming the vertex positions onto the screen. Then rasterisation occurs, which produces fragments (basically pixels) from the triangles in the mesh. The Fragment stage then runs for each fragment/pixel created and outputs the colour to the screen. This is discussed in slightly more detail in my Intro to Shaders post.
The Vertex stage is also responsible for passing through any data (e.g. from the mesh) that may be needed in Fragment stage calculations. This is known as interpolators (as this data for each vertex is interpolated across the triangle). It is mostly handled automatically by Shader Graph - e.g. For nodes requiring UVs, the Position node, Normal Vector and other nodes in the Input → Geometry heading under the Create Node menu.
But in some cases (discussed later), we may also want to pass our own custom data between the two stages. In Shader Graph v12 (Unity 2021.2+), we can do this by adding Custom Interpolator blocks to the Vertex stage. I’ll discuss this in more detail near the end of the article.
Save Graph
While I haven’t explained the other parts of a graph yet, this is something that is a common problem for beginners so I’m mentioning it early. To save your Graph you must use the Save Asset button in the top left corner of the graph. Ctrl+S will not save the graph, it only saves the active scene you are working in.
If you want to preview your graph in the Scene/Game View, it must first be saved or it won’t be re-compiled and still use the version prior to saving.
When attempting to close the graph, it will also prompt you to save if unsaved changes have been made.
To add a node to the graph, right-click and choose Create Node from the dropdown, or press the Spacebar. A box will open at the mouse position allowing you to search and/or choose a node from the list. As the list is quite extensive, I recommend typing the name of a node once you learn them.
Ports & Connections
Nodes have inputs and outputs shown as small circles, known as ports. Inputs are always on the left side of the node while outputs are on the right.
You can create connections between nodes by clicking on the port. While still holding the mouse button, drag over to another port and a connection will be made. You can only connect an output to an input. It’s not possible to connect an input to another input, or output to another output. Output ports can also have multiple connections to other nodes, but input ports must only have a single connection.
(The documentation refers to these connections as “Edges” but I’ve never heard anyone actually call them that, except for Unity that is. I’m just going to refer to them as connections)
While dragging a connection from a port, If you release the mouse while not hovering over another node port, it will open the Create Node menu – filtered to only show nodes where a connection is allowed. Selecting a node from there will then automatically connect it up too. This is very useful for quickly creating graphs.
Existing connections can be changed by clicking and dragging on the connection wire near to the port. In v10+ it’s also possible to drag a selection box over multiple connections coming out of a single output port, and move them all at once to another output.
It’s also possible to collapse unused ports to make the node smaller. This can be toggled with the small arrow in the top right of the node (that appears when hovering over it). You can also right-click the node and use View → Collapse Ports and Expand Ports to show all ports again.
Redirect / Elbow
In v10+ you can add a redirect/elbow node by double-clicking along the connection wire, (or right-clicking the connection and selecting it from the dropdown). This will create a tiny node with a single input and output port that allows you to better organise connections (example shown below).
To help keep a graph readable, you should avoid having connections pass over other nodes. I’d also recommend keeping connections going horizontally or vertically, rather than diagonally, but this is more of a personal preference.

An example using (probably way to many unncessary) redirect nodes, (but hopefully you get the point).
Versions prior to v10 did not have this feature, but the Preview node could be used instead, with the preview collapsed to make the node smaller to work with.
Selecting Nodes
Nodes can be selected by clicking on them using the left mouse button, or by clicking in an empty space and dragging a selection box over multiple nodes to select them all at once.
While holding Ctrl, you can toggle the selection of nodes rather than unselecting everything else.
Most nodes will have a Preview, shown on the bottom of the node. They allow you to preview what the shader is doing at that particular stage, but the result might look different in the scene depending on the mesh used. You can also use the Preview node to preview a particular port if it doesn’t already have a preview.
Because the Preview can take up a lot of space, you can collapse it by clicking the upwards-pointing arrow that appears on the preview while hovering over it. The preview can then be shown again by clicking the downwards-pointing arrow on the bottom of the node. Alternatively, right-click the node and use View → Collapse Preview and Expand Preview.
Nodes like Position and Normal Vector use a 3D/Sphere version of the Preview rather than the 2D/Quad one, as they are meant to show 3D positions/vectors. All nodes in the chain after it will also switch to using the 3D one when connected.
In Shader Graph v11+ (Unity 2021.1+) it is also now possible to choose between the 2D and 3D versions of the preview on a per-node basis. Can do this in the Node Settings tab of the Graph Inspector window. (This was something I suggested, though some others may have too. Still, I’m very happy to see it included). For Sub Graphs you can also find a setting in the Graph Settings to select it’s default preview state.
Before we can go into exactly what these previews are showing, we need to understand the different data types included in Shader Graph :
Data Types
The colours of each port and connection will also change based on the port data type, which is also shown in brackets after the input/output name. Usually, different data types cannot be connected, though the Float/Vector types are an exception to this.
The data types are as follows :
- Float (1), light blue (referred to as Vector1 prior to v10).
- Vector2 (2), green
- Vector3 (3), yellow
- Vector4 (4), pink
- Color (Property only. Converts to Vector4 in graph, with colour space converted if using the Linear workflow)
- Matrix (2x2, 3x3 or 4x4), blue
- Boolean (B), purple
- Texture2D (T2), red
- Texture2DArray (T2A), red
- Texture3D (T3), red
- Cubemap (C), red
- Virtual Texture (VT), grey : see docs
- SamplerState (SS), grey
- Gradient (G), grey
Float & Vector
A Float is a scalar (meaning single component) floating point value. While it’s called float, it’s precision can be changed between Single (32-bit) and Half (16-bit) on a per-node basis (under the Node Settings tab of the Graph Inspector in v10. Prior to v10, there was a cog/gear on the node itself to change this). Usually nodes will Inherit the precision of the previous one. Changing the precision can help with optimisation, mainly for mobile platforms. More information about the precision modes can be found in the docs.
A Vector contains multiple components of these floating point values. This could be interpreted as a position or direction, but can also contain any arbitary numbers. The Vector4 contains four floating point values, Vector3 contains three, and Vector2 contains two. The precision again can be varied.
When put into a Split node, we can obtain each Float the vector contains. These components are usually labelled as R, G, B, A as shaders deal with colours a lot, but Shader Graph also uses X, Y, Z, W in the case of the Vector2 / Vector3 and Vector4 nodes.
(The labels themselves aren’t too important, they are the same. R=X, G=Y, B=Z and A=W)
Unlike other data types, different size vectors can be connected to other sized vector ports. For example, A Vector3 or Vector4 can be connected to a Vector2 port (e.g. the UV input on a Sample Texture 2D node, some more examples are shown below).
This will cause the vector to be truncated. In the case of the Float input port, only the R/X component is used while GBA/YZW is truncated. For a Vector2, the RG/XY components are used and BA/ZW is truncated, and Vector3, RGB/XYZ with A/W truncated.
A Float output can’t be truncated as it’s already the smallest possible size with only a single component.
Similarly, a smaller sized vector put into a larger sized port will be promoted. For example, a Vector2 put into a Vector3. The third component will be filled with a default value of 0.
If put into a Vector4 port, the fourth component has a default value of 1 (as it typically corresponds to an alpha value, and it defaults to full opaque, rather than invisible. Also useful for matrix multiplciation where the fourth component should be 1 to allow for translation. Don’t worry about that for now though, we’ll be going into matrices in a bit).

On the left, the Float is promoted to the Vector3 size, (0.5, 0.5, 0.5). After the add, resulting in (0.5, 0.5, 1). On the right, the Vector3 is truncated to the Vector2 size, (0, 0). After the add, resulting in (0.5, 0).
If a Float is connected to a Vector port, it is promoted where all components are filled with the float value. e.g. 0.5 would become (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5) if connected to a Vector4 port. The alpha value would not default to 1 in this case too, which is something to be aware of.
If you wanted more control over promotion, you could handle it manually, using the Vector node that corresponds to the size you want. e.g. Vector2, Vector3 or Vector4. Or use the Combine node which gives you an output for all sizes.
These have Float input ports for each component. If you are starting with a Vector type, you can use a Split node to obtain each component. Of course, you would only connect the components you want to keep and override the others. Note that when a Split is used, promotion does not take place and outputs that aren’t used by the input Float/Vector size will be 0.
You can use a Split and Vector4 or Combine node to set each component to a specific Float if you want better control over how a vector is promoted. (Split would not be needed if you start with a Float though since it’s already a single component).
Dynamic Ports
While not really a data type, Some nodes also have Dynamic Vector ports. This means it can change between Float/Vector1, Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4 depending on the inputs.
Examples of these include many of the Math based nodes, e.g. Add, Subtract, Divide, Power, Fraction, Normalize, etc.
In most cases, these dynamic vector ports truncate both to the same size, based on the lowest size passed in (so if a Vector3 and Vector2 is passed in to each port, both ports will be a Vector2). However a Float/Vector1 will always be promoted to the same size as the other input.
The Multiply node ports are also dynamic, but also has a special case where a Matrix (will be explained below) can also be connected. Similar to the Vectors, the Dynamic ports are truncated to the smallest of the two matrix sizes (the output also changes to a matrix type of the same size). If a matrix and vector is connected, the size of the matrix is used and the Vector will be promoted or truncated to match.
A matrix has up to 16 components, defined in rows and columns. Shaders written in code can define matrices with different row/column sizes, and even different data types, however Shader Graph can only handle square ones consisting of floating point values (floats or halfs depending on precision).
A Matrix4x4 means it has 4 rows and 4 columns, so 16 components in total. Similarly, a Matrix3x3 has 9 components, and Matrix2x2 has 4 components.
Matrices are used for applying transformations which consists of translation (adjusting position), rotation, and scaling. Shader Graph has a few useful spaces built-in to nodes though, such as Object, World, View and Tangent, so usually you don’t need to deal with matrices. I’ll be going over these spaces in more detail later. There’s also a Transform node to transform between these spaces.
It is possible that you may want to handle your own transformations to a custom space too though. The Multiply node can be used to achieve matrix multiplciation if a Matrix is connected. It’s unlikely that you’ll need to deal with matrix multiplication unless you’re doing some very custom stuff, but if you aren’t familiar with it I’d recommend looking it up. This CatlikeCoding tutorial goes over them.
Something to be aware of is when dealing with matrix multiplciation, the order is important. Usually the matrix will be in the first input and the vector in the second. A Vector in the second input is treated like a Matrix consisting of up to 4 rows (depending on the size of the vector), and a single column. A Vector in the first input is instead treated as a Matrix consisting of 1 row and up to 4 columns.
Due to the Vector promotion (explained a few sections above), if a Vector3 is multiplied with a Matrix4x4, it’ll promote the vector to a Vector4 with the alpha component defaulting to 1, which allows the translation part of the matrix to work. If this isn’t what you want, you can Split and use Combine or Vector4 to set the alpha component yourself.
A type with two possible values, True or False. It is used in Logic based nodes, for example the Comparsion node outputs a Boolean based on comparing two Floats. The Boolean is mainly used in the Predicate input of the Branch node, which is used to select between two Floats or Vectors based on if the Boolean is True or False. For Example :

Example showing a Branch based on a Boolean Property. Allows switching between two different UV types. Planar projected / regular model UVs.
Internally the type is actually treated as a Float with a value of 0 or 1, so can be set from C# using material.SetFloat
(or SetInteger
Don’t confuse the Boolean type/property with a Boolean Keyword - these are not the same! I’ll be explaining keywords in a later section.
Textures store a colour for each texel - basically the same as a pixel, but they are known as texels when referring to textures and aren’t limited to just two dimensions. The fragment shader stage runs on a per-pixel basis, where we can access the colour of a texel with a given coordinate. Textures can have different sizes (widths/heights/depth), but the coordinate used to sample the texture is normalised to a 0-1 range. These are known as Texture Coordinates or UVs. U corrosponds to the horizontal axis of the texture, while V is the vertical.
(Also, though I mentioned texels have colours, the data doesn’t necessary have to be output as a colour. It’s a Vector4 which could represent any arbitary data and used for any calculations. Depending on the texture’s format it might also result in values outside a 0-1 range)
Filter Modes
To access a colour of a texel, we sample it with filtering applied. There are 3 different Filter Modes :
- Point (or Nearest-Point) : The colour is taken from the nearest texel. The result is blocky/pixellated, but that if you’re sampling pixel art you’ll likely want to use this.
- Linear / Bilinear : The colour is taken as a weighted average of close texels, based on the distance to them.
- Trilinear : The same as Linear/Bilinear, but it is also blends between mipmap levels.
Mip Maps
Mipmaps are versions of a texture which are smaller than the original, with each mip map level being half the size of the previous. This produces downsampled/blurry versions of the texture which is useful for lowering detail at a distance, to avoid artifacts like moiré patterns.
The original texture is known as mipmap level 0. If it’s size was 512x512, then level 1 would have a size of 256x256, level 2 would be 128x128, level 3 would be 64x64, and so on until it reaches 1x1 (level 9 in this case), or a maximum mip map chain count set in the case of textures created through C# code. You can visualise what these mipmaps look like by using the slider on the Texture Preview in Unity’s Inspector :
Wrap Modes
This filtering method is stored in the sampler (SamplerState), along with a Wrap Mode :
- Repeat : UV values outside of 0-1 will cause the texture to tile/repeat.
- Clamp : UV values outside of 0-1 are clamped, causing the edges of the texture to stretch out.
- Mirror : The texture tiles/repeats while also mirroring at each integer boundary.
- Mirror Once : The texture is mirrored once, then clamps UV values lower than -1 and higher than 2.
Every Texture object also defines it’s own SamplerState (in DX10/11 at least, DX9 has them combined into a single “sampler” object but DX9 is deprecated as of Unity 2017.3 anyway. I believe OpenGL also doesn’t support separate textures and samplers, but Shader Graph takes care of this).
DX11 allows you to have up to 128 textures in a single shader but it’s important to be aware that there is a maximum of 16 samplers per shader. If you use more than 16, an error similar to maximum ps_5_0 sampler register index (16) exceeded
will be shown. While every texture object in Shader Graph will define a sampler, if left unused the compiler will ignore them.
This means, in order to have more than 16 Sample Texture 2D nodes sampling different textures, you will need to connect a SamplerState node - Which is the equivalent of HLSL’s inline sampler states.
A SamplerState property could also be connected, it acts the same way. It cannot be exposed.
There a few different texture types as I listed earlier.
Texture2D is the more common one you’ll be familiar with and is sampled with a 2D coordinate (UV). If the UV input on the Sample Texture 2D is left blank, it automatically uses the UV0 channel from the mesh. If the SamplerState input is left blank, it’ll automatically use the one from the texture.
Texel Size
The Texel Size node also allows us access to the width and height of a 2D texture. When using it you should always connect a Texture2D property/asset node rather than using the default input box. Specifically the node obtains the third (Z/B) and fourth (W/A) components of a special Vector4 that Unity sets, which matches the texture’s reference with “_TexelSize” appended. While the node is limited only to Texture2Ds, you could always set up your own Vector property and pass in a different texture type’s size manually or through C# if required. More information about setting up properties will be discussed in a later section.
The true size of a texel would actually be given by the first (R/X) and second (G/Y) components of that Vector4 but the node does not return these so it’s a slightly strange name for the node, “Texture Size” would likely fit better. The texel size could instead be obtained from the Reciprocal of the width/height returned (or 1 divided by width/height) though this would be an additional calculation. You could also access the other components through a Custom Function node, but this would require hard-coding the texture reference in the function code, which means it cannot be easily reused.
Texture3D is similar, but three dimensional, so has a depth to it as well as the width and height. It defines a volume of texels so must be sampled with a 3D coordinate in order to select which pixel is output. Shader Graph still labels this as a UV, though it’s common to refer to this as a UVW coordinate too, where W refers to this depth-based axis similar to the Z axis in regular 3D space.
Texture2DArray is very similar to a Texture3D, it is a collection of multiple 2D textures. It is also sampled with a 3D coordinate, though the URP Shader Library functions split these into two variables - a 2D UV coordinate and an index. The same occurs on the Sample Texture 2D Array node, with Vector2 “UV” and Float “Index” ports.
A Cubemap (also referred to as a TextureCube in HLSL) is another type of 2D texture array that contains 6 slices, one for each side of a cube. It is sampled with a 3D vector that points out from the center of the texture cube. The returned colour is the result of where that vector intersects it.
The gradient type is a bit of an odd one. The type does not exist in regular shaders, It is something specific to shader graph and is actually defined as a struct containing an array of up to 8 colour and alpha values.
The values are currently something that gets hardcoded into the generated shader code, so the Gradient type (created from the Blackboard at least) cannot be exposed or set by C# scripts.
If you need to expose something similar to a gradient, here’s a few alternatives :
- If you only need two colours, you can create a gradient quite easily from two Color properties and a Lerp node. Same with three, perhaps four, but you’ll need to link together multiple lerps and remap the T inputs. The below image provides an example for a 3-colour gradient.
- A common option to avoid the need to create many colour properties, is to use a Texture2D instead. We can sample it with the Sample Texture 2D with the UV coordinate as the same “Time” value that would have been used in the Sample Gradient node. This gives us the flexibity of more colours, but a texture sample might end up being be more expensive than a math-based method, and it might suffer from colour banding issues if the colours are remapped in the shader. (Might be able to try different texture formats to minimise that).
For creating the gradient texture, it can either be done manually in your preferred image manipulation software (e.g. Photoshop, GIMP, etc), or baked from a C# Gradient object. For example, using a function like :
- It is also technically possible to create a Gradient object in a Custom Function and pass it out. This is a node that allows us to write HLSL code, which is useful for accessing things that Shader Graph can’t handle, like arrays and loops. This method still cannot be exposed to the material inspector, but can be set through C# - but only globally.
The problem here is that these aren’t defined as properties (and arrays can’t be) so should be set through the Shader.SetGlobalX functions, not as per-material ones to avoid batching-related issues.
While it might be possible to work around this using multiple Vector4 properties… It would be annoying to set these up in every graph you need an exposed Gradient for. You’d need 12 Vector4s to support all 8 colour/alpha options, (and another Vector4 / 3 Float properties for the ints), and then you have to deal with setting them through C#.
Using Matrix4x4 instead might work, that would only require 3 which is a lot better than 12. But matrices can’t be serialised so would need to be set through C# at runtime.
I’d personally recommend the Lerp or Sample Texture 2D approaches instead, but thought I should still mention this too. Maybe it’ll give someone else a better idea for a workaround.
While not a type in Shader Graph, shaders also have array types and it is possible to define them in a Custom Function node (allows us to use HLSL code, there’s a Custom Function section near the end of the post that goes into more detail). This can be somewhat complicated so I don’t expect beginners to understand it, but I felt it was important to include this too.
Some of these arrays were briefly included in the code in the above Gradient section. Defining arrays can only be done with the File mode on the Custom Function, as it needs to be outside the scope of the function itself. Arrays can also only be set from C# and won’t appear in the material inspector. They can also only really be defined globally.
For example :
In this example the values in the float array are added together and output. Typically you’ll need a loop inside the function in order to handle the array, (unless you just need a single value at a given index or something). You might want to try something more exciting that just adding the values together though! I have a Forcefield Shader Breakdown that includes ripples using an array.
It’s technically also possible to have other types of arrays, however Unity can only set Vector (float4) and Float arrays from a C# script.
As mentioned above, I also recommend to always set them globally, using Shader.SetGlobalVectorArray and/or Shader.SetGlobalFloatArray rather than using the material.SetVector/FloatArray versions. The reason for this is arrays cannot be properly set as per-material values, and due to batching will result in only one array being used, even if multiple materials are trying to use different ones. This leads to glitchy behaviour where the array being used will change for all objects depending on what is being rendered on screen. By setting them globally, there can only ever be one array used which avoids this.
Note that these SetXArray methods are also limited to a maximum array size of 1023. If you need larger you might need to try alternative solutions instead, e.g. Compute Buffers (StructuredBuffer), assuming they are supported on the target platform, and even allowed in custom function code as I haven’t tested them myself. (These are even more outside of Shader Graph’s territory, so I won’t be going over them).
Coordinate Spaces
Some nodes that obtain positions/directions will have the option to switch between different Spaces, including :
- Object : Coordinates local to the mesh. (0,0,0) is the origin/pivot of the mesh. Axis follows the “Local” gizmo.
- Absolute World : Coordinates based on the scene. (0,0,0) is the origin of the scene. Axis follows the “Global” gizmo. Similar values used to position GameObjects/Transforms while they have no parent.
- World :
- In URP, same as Absolute World currently.
- In HDRP, while Camera-Relative Rendering is enabled (which it is by default. It helps combat z-fighting by keeping values closer to 0), the space is offset by camera’s position (but not rotation/scale).
World Pos = Absolute World Pos - Camera World Pos
- View : Space is relative to the camera. (0,0,0) is at the camera’s position. The camera forward axis looks down the Negative Z axis. If Z is positive, the vertex/fragment is behind the camera. The Z axis put through a Negate node this gives you the Eye Depth.
- Tangent : Space is relative to the surface of the mesh.
- The space is constructed from the mesh Tangent and Normal vectors, and a Bitangent/Binormal vector is created based on a Cross Product between the two.
- The X axis is the Tangent vector, the Y axis is the Bitangent vector, and Z axis it the Normal vector. The tangent vector also follows the horizontal axis of the UVs, while bitangent follows the vertical axis.
- Tangent space is commonly used for Normal/Bump Mapping. These maps define vectors in tangent space, and it is then converted into World space for lighting/shading calculations.
While not a space that is included on nodes, it may still be useful to be aware that Clip space exists. Behind the scenes the Vertex stage converts the Object space Vertex Position (port on Master Stack) to Clip space, which is a position important for clipping triangles to what is visible by the camera - so we don’t waste time trying to render fragments/pixels outside the screen.
With a bit of remapping, this Clip position is then converted to the Screen Position. That node also has a few modes, including :
- Default : (0,0) in the bottom left corner of the screen and (1,1) in the top right. Z/B and W/A components should always be 0.
- Raw : (0,0) in the bottom left corner, (W, W) in the top right (where W is the fourth component of the Vector4). Accesses the position before the Perspective Divide step. For a Perspective Camera the W/A component gives you the Eye Depth. For Orthographic is always 1.
Default = Raw.xy / Raw.w
- Center : Offset so (0,0) is in the center of the screen. (-1, -1) in bottom left, (1, 1) in top right.
- Tiled : Tiled using Fraction and adjusted with screen ratio to produce squares.
Tiled = frac(Center * (ScreenWidth/ScreenHeight, 1))
Understanding Previews
For Float types, previews are always greyscale. Black means the value is 0, or negative, and White means a value of 1 or higher. Values in-between 0 and 1 show as different greyscale shades.
The exact shade isn’t too important as it can vary depending on whether the project is using Gamma or Linear colour space (setting under Project Settings → Player). If you’re using Gamma space, your previews might show more darker areas as the converison to linear isn’t handled. Projects should use Linear as it’s more realistic but Gamma can be more performant, especially for mobile devices.
Visualising values outside of a 0-1 range can be difficult, but nodes like these can help :
- Negate : Same as multiplying by -1, positive values become negative, negative become positive
- Absolute : Negative values become positive, positive stays the same
- Fraction : Returns the fractional/decimal part of the value. The value will repeat between 0 and 1. Useful for visualising values higher than 1.
- Step : Can compare two values. If the In input is greater than or equal to the Edge input it returns 1, otherwise returns 0.
For Vector types, the same applies but previews show up to three components in their respective colours (red, green, blue). The alpha channel is always ignored. Red corresponds to the first component, green the second, and blue the third.
As well as for colours, vectors are commonly used for positions and other coordinates. Some examples are below.
The UV node for example shows a 2D/Quad preview. It’s output is a Vector4, but typically UVs (aka Texture Coordinates) are Vector2. As mentioned the 4th alpha component (which is 1 here) is ignored for previews and the 3rd component is 0 so we don’t see any Blue, only see Red and Green. From the colours shown, we can see that the red values start in the bottom left corner at 0 as they are darker, then increase to 1 horizontally across the quad, while green starts at 0 increasing to 1 vertically.
- Bottom Left Vertex = 0, 0
- Top Left Vertex = 0, 1
- Bottom Right Vertex = 1, 0
- Top Right Vertex = 1, 1
Where values of red and green are both larger than 0, we start getting shades of yellow due to the additive nature of the RGB colour model.
It’s important to note that these UVs are for the Quad mesh that’s used in previews. Meshes in the scene might have their own UVs (assuming they were UV mapped when created in a 3D modelling program, e.g. Blender) and might even make use of the Blue or Alpha channels too. e.g. For the Skybox, the UVs are actually filled with a 3D position, equal to the Position node.
When we use the Sample Texture 2D node, these UVs are used as an input, where they correspond to the part of the texture to sample. In the case of the default quad UVs this just shows the texture (though since alpha is ignored it can show either black areas, or colour bleeding as some programs/formats won’t store RGB values in areas with 0 alpha).
It’s possible to offset or adjust the tiling of the UVs through Add and Multiply nodes, or by using the Tiling And Offset node. We can even offset each part of the UVs by different amounts, e.g. using Simple Noise or Gradient Noise nodes (or noise sampled from another texture). This distorts the UV coordinates, and so the resulting texture sample is also distorted.
The noise has values in a range from 0 to 1 (though this may vary depending on the noise used), so we Subtract 0.5 to center the distortion. We also Multiply by a small value to lower the strength of the distortion, as values of -0.5 and 0.5 would offset a coordinate by half of the texture.
Something to also note is the noise output is a Float, but the Offset is a Vector2, so it is being promoted. The distortion is using the same value in both axis of the texture so it will only ever offset in a diagonal direction towards the bottom left or top right. There is other methods that allow the distortion to be in any direction, for example using a flow map (which are very similar to Bump/Normal maps). This CatlikeCoding article is a good example of those, also offset by repeating time to create flowing water materials.
The Position node shows similar colours, but shows a 3D/Sphere and the output is Vector3. Again no blue shades are shown, but this time it’s because the side of the sphere facing us is the negative Z axis. The blue parts of the sphere are hidden on the other side. We can Negate the result to flip everything and blue will be shown. We can also use an Absolute node to bring negative values back into a positive range.
In the preview, the center is the point (0,0,0), with the X axis (red) increasing to the right, and decreasing to the left. The Y axis (green) increasing upwards and decreasing downwards. The values range from -0.6 to 0.6 in each axis but this isn’t important as it will vary depending on the mesh and space used.
Visualising some positions in the Scene View can be difficult. e.g. For World space, (0,0,0) (visualised as black) would be near the scene’s origin, but the object the shader is applied to could be much further away. I find it useful to put the position through a Fraction node to see each unit square, especially when trying to debug something like Reconstructing a position from Depth.
Main Preview
You can also use the Main Preview window to view the final shader result based on what is connected to the Master Stack (or active Master Node), though personally I prefer to view the shader applied to an object in the Scene View instead.
Use the button in the top right of the graph to toggle the Main Preview window. The window can be resized by dragging the bottom right corner of it (same goes for the other windows). Unlike node previews, this will show alpha/transparency.
Dragging will rotate the model. It doesn’t move the camera or light direction though so this isn’t always useful.
Right-clicking anywhere inside the window will also allow you to change the mesh being used. It defaults to a sphere mesh, but strangely it’s not the same as the “Sphere” on the dropdown. The default (which is the same sphere used for node previews) has UVs that wrap around it twice, while the one on the dropdown is the same as Unity’s default sphere mesh which has UVs that wrap around once. This isn’t too important since it’s just a preview, but it might be something to be aware of still.
Blackboard Window
Shaders can expose some of these data types as Properties, which are created from the Blackboard window. The visibility of the window can be toggled using the button in the top right of the graph.
The Blackboard window also allows you to adjust the path of the shader when it appears in the Shader dropdown menu on the Material. This is the grey text under the graph name at the top.
By default it shows under the “Shader Graphs” heading but this can be changed. It really doesn’t look like an editable field - but you can double-click it and it will change into a editable field.
You can also use slashes to create sub-headings to organise your shaders better.
To create a Property, use the “+” button in the Blackboard, a menu will be shown with the different data types as listed earlier. Once created we can name the property. Right-clicking the property will give us options like Rename, Delete and in v10+ Duplicate was also added.
If we have a data type node in the graph, (e.g. Nodes like Float, Vector2, Color, etc), we can also right-click them and choose Convert To → Property from the dropdown to create the property automatically, with the default value set from the value it had before converting. It’s also possible to convert a property back using Convert To → Inline Node if required. These can be done to multiple nodes/properties at once if multiple are selected.
Each property in the Blackboard can be dragged into the graph to add it as a node. You can also use the Create Node menu by typing it’s name, or “Property” to see all of them.
Prior to v10, an arrow was on the left of each property to expand extra settings for it. In v10+ these settings were moved to the Graph Inspector window in the Node Settings tab. While a property is selected in the Blackboard or in the graph, the settings will appear there. (I’m personally not a fan of this change as it makes creating properties a bit awkward when having to go back and forth between two separate windows, so I’m very much hoping it’s reverted).
The settings available for each property can vary slightly but most types will have Reference, Exposed, Default and Precision options. Some also have additional Modes. I’ll discuss these in the sections below.
Some may also include a “Override Property Declaration” (or “Hybrid Instanced” prior to v10). The Hybrid Per-Instance option on this is related to the DOTS Hybrid Renderer. I’m not very familiar with DOTS, so if you want more information about it, see here and here. There’s also Global and Per-Material options but I would avoid overriding the property declaration unless you are using the Hybrid Renderer as it can break the SRP Batcher compatibility.
The settings for each property can vary slightly, but all will have a Reference field.
Prior to v12 (Unity 2021.2) this defaults to an auto-generated string, while v12+ attempts to use the same as the name, but with “_” appended to the front (and in place of any spaces/hyphens/other symbols). This reference field is important for setting the property from a C# script, which will be discussed in a later section.
You can edit this reference if you’d like. I’d recommend making it begin with an underscore ("_") as this helps avoid issues with certain words - specifically words that are used as important keywords in HLSL or the Shaderlab section of the generated shader code.
For example, “Cull”, “Offset”, “float”, “void” will cause the graph to break. Might show a similar error to syntax error: unexpected TOK_CULL, expecting TVAL_ID or TVAL_VARREF
. But “_Cull”, “_Offset”, etc would work fine (though have nothing to do with the actual Cull/Offset functions, it’s just a string/name used to identify the property). Note that in v12+ Shader Graph automatically attempts fix references like this in order to prevent errors.
Note that the SamplerState node generates it’s reference based on the other settings so it cannot be edited. That data type also cannot be set through C# though.
Most properties will also have an Exposed tickbox.
If exposed, these properties will appear in the Inspector window when viewing a Material (Unity’s regular Inspector that is, not the Graph Inspector). Materials allow you to have separate textures/values for each instance, while still sharing the same shader. These properties can also be set through C# as I’ll explain later.
If not exposed, the properties will not appear in the Material Inspector, but some properties can still be set from C# - but only as a Global Shader Property using the static methods in the Shader class. This means all instances of the material, and even materials sharing the same reference will use that value. This can be very useful for easily sending data into all shaders/materials that shouldn’t change per-object.
Not all properties in the Blackboard can be exposed however. Matrices, SamplerState and Gradient objects for example cannot and the tickbox will be greyed out. Matrices can be set through C#, but the SamplerState and Gradient objects cannot (even globally). As mentioned previously there are some workarounds for the Gradient.
The Default field is the value the property will default to when a Material is first created.
If a Material is already created, changing the Default values for an exposed property won’t affect them. You would have to adjust the value on the material manually through Unity’s Inspector. Be aware of this as it’s a common issue that you might encounter when trying to debug your shader. If your shader is producing different results in-graph than in-scene, the values on the Material would be the first place to check. (If the problem isn’t there, it could also be related to the mesh, e.g. UV Mapping related, if your shader is using the UV channels that is).
It is also the value that will be used in the node Previews so it can be important to set these.
Some properties will have different “modes”, such as the Float property which has the following :
- Default : Shows a regular float field in the Material Inspector.
- Slider : Equivalent of the “Range” property in shader code. Can set a Minimum and Maximum value. The property will appear with a slider in the inspector. Setting from C# can still cause the value to go outside the slider’s range. If this isn’t intended you’ll need to clamp the value manually. In 2019.3+ you can obtain the min/max from the property, see an example here.
- Integer : Shows a field that can only be set to integer values. Still acts as a float behind the scenes though. If setting from C#, Unity provides a SetInteger / SetGlobalInteger method.
- Enum : This should show as a dropdown of values, based on a C# enum or string of values (like “A, 1, B, 2”). But while this option is included there doesn’t seem to be a way to set that C# enum or string… so it doesn’t work.
The Color property has the following modes :
- Default : A regular colour. From the Material Inspector it can only be set to values between 0 and 1. From C# it can be set outside that range, though be aware that the final shader won’t be able to output values outside the range unless HDR is enabled on the URP Asset.
- HDR (High Dynamic Range) : A colour where values can be outside the 0-1 range. The inspector shows this by having an Intensity slider added to the Colour Picker UI. In terms of setting this from C#, you can multiply the Color with a float if you want a brighter result e.g.
material.SetColor("_Color", * 5f);
. If you care about keeping it using the same result as the UI, multiply by2^Intensity
(akacolor * Mathf.Pow(2, intensity
) instead.
As a note, prior to v10 Unity didn’t correct HDR colours to the correct colorspace for the project. Graphs imported into v10+ will show the property as “Deprecated” but it can be upgraded in the Node Settings tab of the Graph Inspector, assuming you want the proper behaviour. If you’re in v10+ and want the old behaviour, You can also use a Colorspace Conversion node to convert from RGB to Linear to mimic it.
Texture2D properties have the following modes :
- White : Defaults to white (1,1,1,1) when a texture isn’t assigned.
- Black : Defaults to black (0,0,0,0) when a texture isn’t assigned.
- Grey : Defaults to grey (0.5,0.5,0.5) in Gamma colour space only, when a texture isn’t assigned. Alpha of 0.5 in both colour spaces.
- Bump (renamed to Normal Map in v12+) : Defaults to (0.5,0.5,1,0.5) when a texture isn’t assigned. This should always be used for tangent space bump/normals maps. The colour converts to a normal direction of (0,0,1).
- Linear Grey (v12+) : Defaults to (0.5,0.5,0.5,0.5) in both Linear and Gamma colour spaces, when a texture isn’t assigned. See the [LinearOrGammaWorkflow docs page] for more information on color spaces.
Note that other texture types (Texture3D, Texture2DArray, Cubemap, etc) default to the Grey mode when a texture (despite the generated code trying to use "white"
, which isn’t a valid mode for those types)
The SamplerState also has dropdowns for the Filter and Wrap modes as listed earlier.
All properties will also have a Precision option, which can be changed between Inherit, Single (32-bit) and Half (16-bit). If set to Inherit the properties will default to the Precision in the Graph Settings tab of the Graph Inspector.
I usually don’t worry to much about the precision, but it may be important if you’re targetting mobile platforms. It can help to make the shader more performant. You can learn more about precision in the shadergraph docs.
Setting Properties from C#
Properties can also be set from a C# script through the Material class (only if exposed), or set globally through the static methods in the Shader class. Follow those links to see a list of these methods. When setting a property using them, it’s important to use the Reference of the property, and not it’s name in the Blackboard.
Note, since a Matrix cannot be exposed, by default they are declared in the UnityPerMaterial cbuffer which allows the SRP Batcher to function and the matrix can be different for each material. This however leads to garbage results when setting the matrix globally. If you want a global matrix, you should use the Override Property Declaration in the Node Settings to force it to Global. Don’t override it for other property types (unless you know what you are doing) as it can break SRP Batcher compatibility.
For more information and example code on setting properties from C#, see the section in my Intro to Shaders post. It’s also important to understand the difference between using Renderer.material
and Renderer.sharedMaterial
, so see the section here too.
Keywords & Shader Variants
As well as Properties, the Blackboard also allows us to add Keywords. In the “+” menu, under the Keywords heading there is the following options :
- Boolean Keyword : Keyword consisting of two states, labelled as On and Off.
- Enum Keyword : Keyword consisting of multiple states (up to a maximum of 8). You can select the display text used for each entry, but note that the Material Inspector may not update unless Unity is reloaded.
- Built-in Keywords, currently consisting of only :
- Material Quality : Same as Enum but predefined by Unity. I believe HDRP has a Material Quality Level somewhere in it’s Quality settings (under Project Settings → HDRP). However, URP does not seem to have this so I’m unsure if it can be set, without perhaps using C#, e.g.
though I haven’t tested that. I’d recommend using a custom Enum instead as you’d have better control over it.
- Material Quality : Same as Enum but predefined by Unity. I believe HDRP has a Material Quality Level somewhere in it’s Quality settings (under Project Settings → HDRP). However, URP does not seem to have this so I’m unsure if it can be set, without perhaps using C#, e.g.
Keywords allow you to create multiple versions of the shader, with and without calculations included. These are known as Shader Variants. Each Material uses the given shader but can enable/disable keywords to select which variant is used.
Shader Graph has a set maximum number of Shader Variants that can be generated, which defaults to 128. A warning should show if your shader generates more than the maximum (though that seems to be bugged in v10.2.2 due to a NullReferenceException). Only variants produced from Keywords created in the Blackboard counts for the maximum, keywords used interally won’t affect it.
The maximum can be edited in Edit → Preferences → Shader Graph, however it is important to realise that with each keyword added it exponentially creates more variants. And more variants will also slow down build times. With 7 Boolean Keywords (2 states, On and Off), the shader produces 2^7 or 128 variants, so hits the limit exactly. I recommend to be careful with keywords as you don’t want to over-use them for everything. They should be used in a situation where you need to toggle an effect because it would greatly affect performance if a Branch was used instead (which would still calculate both sides and discard one).
Each keyword can be dragged into the graph to add it as a node. You can also use the Create Node menu by typing it’s name, or “Keyword” to see all of them. The created node will resemble other nodes and have input ports (either On/Off for the Boolean Keyword, or the Entries for the Enum Keyword). Only Floats and Vector types can be connected.
Similar to Properties, you can find settings for each keyword under the Graph Inspector window in the Node Settings tab. While a keyword is selected in the Blackboard, the settings will appear there. (Prior to v10, an arrow was on the left of each keyword to expand extra settings for it).
Strangely, selecting the keyword node in the graph does not show the settings. I assume this wasn’t intended and might be fixed in the future.
Each keyword has a Scope setting, which can be set to Local or Global. This can affect how the keyword is set from C#, as explained in the next section. It does not affect how the keyword is exposed in the Material Inspector however. The inspector will always toggle the keyword locally.
There is a maximum of 256 Global keywords that can be used per-project. Unity uses some of these interally, (apparently around 60 but that was referring to the Built-in RP). Local keywords have a maximum of 64 per-shader.
These limits cannot be changed, so it is recommended to always use Local keywords (unless you need to set it globally through C# that is).
To expose a Boolean Keyword in the Material Inspector it’s Reference must end in “_ON”.
For versions prior to v10, keywords had the Exposed tickbox but this still required the “_ON” suffix. The tickbox could only be used to un-expose the keyword if it had the suffix. This was removed in v10+, but you can always use a reference without the suffix if you don’t want it exposed.
Enum Keywords are always exposed by default and there doesn’t appear to be a way to set it as unexposed since the tickbox was removed. This shouldn’t be that important though as the keyword can still be accessed from C# regardless of whether it is exposed or not.
Each keyword has a definition field which has the following options :
- Shader Feature : Unity will strip unused shader variants at build time.
- Multi Compile : Unity does not strip any shader variants.
- Predefined : Unity or the Render Pipeline has already defined the keyword so it should not be redefined. This is used only to create an “
#ifdef REF
” (aka#if defined(REF)
) check on the given reference.- Prior to v10 it was possible to use this to output different values based on the shader pass. However due to changes it can only be done through a Custom Function now. More information and examples can be found in the Shader Pass Defines section (under the Advanced heading at the end of the post).
It’s important to be aware that since Shader Feature strips unused variants from the build, it is not recommended to set the keywords at runtime from C#, since the required variant might not be included and result in a magenta error shader. If you plan on adjusting keywords at runtime, you should use Multi Compile instead.
Setting Keywords from C#
To adjust keywords in C#, we can use EnableKeyword and DisableKeyword methods in the Material class to toggle a keyword per-material, or the Shader class to toggle a keyword globally, for all materials. Like properties, the string used to toggle a keyword in C# is it’s Reference field in the Blackboard.
Keywords using the Global scope can be set through either class. Note that if a keyword is enabled globally through Shader.EnableKeyword
it cannot be disabled or overriden using Material.DisableKeyword
(or the inspector toggle).
Keywords using the Local scope can only be set through methods in the Material class.
It is also recommended to only adjust Multi Compile keywords at runtime, see Definition section below for more information.
For example, for Boolean Keywords :
For an Enum Keyword you need to append the Entry’s Reference to the Keyword Reference, separated with “_” to obtain the full string to use in the C# methods. The references for each entry is shown in the table in the Node Settings tab.
As an example, a Keyword with a Reference of “ENUM” and the entry “A”, can be toggled using “ENUM_A”. You also shouldn’t enable multiple entries at the same time. To switch between entires, you should always disable the others or the variant used might not change properly. e.g.
In v12+ it is also now possible to create Categories, to better organise the properties in the Blackboard (and in the Inspector when viewing the material).
Can create them from the + button (same that you would use to add a property/keyword), then rename by double-clicking the Grey “Category” text.
They are also collapsable (by pressing the triangle to the left) which is useful if the graph has a large amount of properties.
Grouping Nodes
To help with organising your graphs, you can group sections of nodes together. Drag a selection box over multiple nodes, right-click on one of those selected nodes, then choose Group Selection. Or use the Ctrl+G shortcut.

Example section of a graph containing a couple grouped nodes. Helps to understand what the nodes are doing at a quick glance.
Once a group is created you can give it a name which appears at the top in a large text size. The group can also be renamed at any time by double-clicking the name. The name will always be on a single line and affect the width of the group so it’s a good idea to keep it short.
A group can be moved around (along with it’s contents) by dragging the group’s name.
If you want to remove nodes from the group, select them and use Ungroup Selection or Ctrl+U to separate them from the group.
To delete a group entirely without affecting it’s contents, select the group by clicking it’s name, then use the Delete key on your keyword. To delete a group with it’s contents, right-click the group and use the option from that dropdown.
Sticky Notes
You can also add Sticky Notes to a graph (Added in v7.4-ish?), by right-clicking an empty space in the graph and selecting Create Sticky Note from the dropdown.
These are for adding comments to your graph. They have a text field at the top for a title, and a larger box for the text body. The text can be edited by double-clicking one of the fields. They can also be resized by dragging the edges.
Right-clicking the Sticky Note will give you some additional options including :
- Toggle Light/Dark Theme : Switch between the Light and Dark themes. Currently it’s not possible to change the colour further than this.
- Small, Medium, Large or Huge Text Size : Adjusts the text size. This changes for both the title and body at the same time. The title will always have larger text size than the body.
- Fit To Text : Resizes the Sticky Note so that it precisely fits it’s contents. It will resize horizontally to fit the title on a single line.
- Delete : Deletes the Sticky Note
In v11+ (Unity 2021.1+) it should also now be possible to use Rich Text to add additional formatting like bold (using <b>example</b>
), italics <i>example</i>
, colors (<color=red>example</color>
), etc.
Shortcut Keys
There are a few keyboard shortcuts available to speed up working with Shader Graph. Some of these might have been mentioned in other sections. These shortcuts include:
- Space : Access the Create Node menu
- A : Fits the graph to the viewport. Useful if you want to quickly zoom out to see the entire graph.
- F : Focuses on a selected node (/group of nodes). If nothing is selected, it does the same as the above.
- O : Moves the viewport to the origin of the graph. This might not really be useful though.
- Ctrl : While held, clicking nodes/properties will toggle selection of them
- Ctrl+X : Cut a selection of nodes
- Ctrl+C : Copy a selection of nodes
- Ctrl+V : Paste a selection of nodes
- Ctrl+D : Duplicate a selection of nodes
- F1 : Open the Documentation for a specific node (Note, some pages might not exist / be missing). See the full Node Library here.
- Ctrl+G : Group a selection of nodes. If nodes were already in a group, they will be removed from the previous one and added to the new group.
- Ctrl+U : Remove a selection of nodes from a group
- Delete : Deletes selected connections and nodes. If a group is selected, the group is deleted without affecting it’s contents (unless they are selected too). Some nodes, like a Sub Graph’s Output node cannot be deleted.
- Shift + Space : Toggles Maximize on the Unity window the mouse is currently hovering over. This is one of Unity’s shortcuts for all windows, not just Shader Graph. The shortcut can be edited via Edit → Shortcuts… → Window.
Shader Graph currently does not have any shortcuts for easily placing/creating nodes.
Sub Graphs
As briefly mentioned earlier in the post, a Sub Graph is special type of graph that can be used as a node in other graphs, which is useful for functions you’d like to reuse. They can even be nested in other Sub Graphs (though it’ll prevent you creating a recursive loop where Sub Graphs try to call themselves).
Similar to other graphs, the path can be adjusted in the Blackboard, which determines how it appears in the Create Node menu. Use slashes to create sub-headings. See the Path section above for more information.
There is two ways to create a Sub Graph :
- Create → Shader menu. This creates a blank Sub Graph with defaults to a single Vector4 output, but this can be changed. See next section.
- Convert To Sub Graph : In any graph, you can drag a selection over some nodes, right-click one of the selected nodes, and convert to a Sub Graph (Convert To → Sub-graph). This will put the selected content into a new Sub Graph and should automatically create inputs/outputs and retain their connections. Note it only creates inputs if a connection from a non-selected node is going into one of the selected nodes.
In v10+ we can adjust the number of outputs and change their data types by selecting the Output node (left-click on it). A list will appear in the Node Settings tab of the Graph Inspector window, (It’s incorrectly labelled as “Inputs”, in v12 at least, but this might be fixed in the future).
Prior to v10 a cog/gear could be found on the Output node to adjust these instead.
The first output is used to create the node’s Preview. It must be a Float, Vector, Matrix, or Boolean type or the Sub Graph will error. Other outputs can be any type from the dropdown (though Virtual Texture appears to not be supported and is greyed out).
(You may also see some other “Bare” texture types if in v10.3+ but they’ll be greyed out. They are only used if a Sub Graph was using those texture types prior to updating. See the Better Texture Data Types section for more information on why this change was made).
It’s also possible to create Inputs for the Sub Graph, which uses Properties that can be created from the Blackboard. See the Properties section above for more information. Note however that some settings (like modes) will be hidden.
These inputs will always show as ports when the Sub Graph is added to another graph as a node and cannot be exposed to the Material Inspector.
Branch On Input Connection
A pretty neat feature added in v12+ (Unity 2021.2+) is the Branch On Input Connection node, which is available for Sub Graphs. It’s purpose is to allow you to create a Branch (graph selects between two options) based on whether a node is connected to the Input port when the subgraph is used.
To use this, we first need to enable the Use Custom Binding option on the Input, which is found in the Node Settings tab of the Graph Inspector window when the Input is selected.
When ticked, a text field for a Label appears. This will be the text that appears next to the port when nothing is connected to the Sub Graph node (Similar to how “AbsoluteWorld Space” and “World Space” appear on the Position and Normal ports on the Triplanar node).
In the Sub Graph, we can then add the Branch On Input Connection node and connect our Input to the Input port, as well as the Connected port as we want to use it’s value.
In this example I’m using the Normal Vector node (mesh normal) for a custom lighting calculation. By using the Branch On Input Connection it allows us to optionally connect a Vector3, allowing for this custom lighting to support normal maps.
Having this in our Sub Graph is much better than not providing support for normal maps, or having to expose a regular Vector3 port and making the user connect a Normal Vector node (or normal map transformed into World space) for it to function correctly.
In this case I haven’t got a proper normal map so instead of using a Sample Texture 2D node with Normal mode, I’m using the Normal From Texture node which converts a height map into a normal map by using 3 texture samples (though may be less accurate). See Normal From Texture docs page for more info.
Fragment-Only Nodes
Some features of shaders are limited to the Fragment shader stage :
- Screen-space Partial Derivatives (DDX, DDY, DDXY) : What these do is a bit complicated so not going into a lot of detail. In short, GPUs run the fragment shader in 2x2 pixel blocks, so can compare values with neighbouring pixels horizontally (ddx) and vertically (ddy). The values are subtracted giving what is apparently called a partial derivative.
- DDXY, also known as
in shader code, is equal toabs(ddx) + abs(ddy)
- Some uses of these are mentioned below (mipmaps, local anti-aliasing)
- DDXY, also known as
- Is Front Face : Is true if the fragment is on the front side of the face. False if on the back side of the face. Only important if Two Sided is enabled.
Connecting these to the Vertex stage is not possible. Quite a few nodes also make use of these partial derivatives so also can only be used in the Fragment stage. For example :
- Sample Texture 2D : Uses partial derivatives in order to calculate which mipmap level should be used.
- If you need to sample a texture in the Vertex stage, you should use a Sample Texture 2D LOD instead so you can specify which mipmap is used yourself, usually level 0.
- In code, this would be SAMPLE_TEXTURE_2D(texture, sampler, uv, lod)`
- Sample Texture 2D Array : Same as the above, However a LOD verison of the node isn’t provided. Instead use a Custom Function with :
SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_ARRAY_LOD(texture, sampler, uv, index, lod)
- Sample Texture 3D : Use a Custom Function with :
SAMPLE_TEXTURE3D_LOD(texture, sampler, uvw, lod)
- Normal From Height : Calculates a normal based on a Float input. Can only be used in the Fragment Normal input (Tangent or World space), as it makes use of ddx/ddy.
- Procedural Shapes (e.g. Ellipse, Rectangle, Polygon, Rounded Rectangle, Rounded Polgyon) : All make use of
(aka DDXY) for local anti-aliasing. See their documentation pages to see the code used. Using a Custom Function with thefwidth
removed would allow it to function in the vertex stage. Use a Step (or Smoothstep) node to convert the distance field to the shape itself. - Checkerboard : Has local anti-aliasing applied using ddx/ddy. Not sure why you’d need this in vertex stage anyway though.
The following nodes also use 2D texture samples. It may be possible to create alternatives to these that use the Sample 2D LOD version instead.
Triplanar : Typically isn’t used per-vertex, but if needed, you would have to create your own Triplanar setup, with Sample Texture 2D LOD nodes instead.
Normal From Texture : Calculates a normal based on a greyscale texture. Can find the code used for the node here.
- Note : Not to be confused with sampling a bump/normal texture, which can be done using the Sample Texture 2D node with the Normal mode. You wouldn’t usually sample a normal texture per-vertex, but that could be done with the LOD version of the node too.
- Scene Color
Scene Depth
- For URP, see here. It uses regular texture sampling while vertex stage would need to use a LOD version :
- Inputs :
- “ScreenPosition” (Vector2)
- Outputs
- “Out” (Float)
- Type : File
- Function Name : “SceneDepthLOD”
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
#ifndef SCENEDEPTH_LOD #define SCENEDEPTH_LOD #ifndef SHADERGRAPH_PREVIEW #include "Packages/com.unity.render-pipelines.universal/ShaderLibrary/DeclareDepthTexture.hlsl" #endif void SceneDepthLOD_float(float2 ScreenPosition, out float LinearDepth) { #ifdef SHADERGRAPH_PREVIEW LinearDepth = 0; //EyeDepth = 0; #else float RawDepth = SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D_X_LOD(_CameraDepthTexture, sampler_CameraDepthTexture, UnityStereoTransformScreenSpaceTex(ScreenPosition), 0).r; LinearDepth = Linear01Depth(RawDepth, _ZBufferParams); //EyeDepth = LinearEyeDepth(RawDepth, _ZBufferParams); #endif } #endif // SCENEDEPTH_LOD
- Untested but for Built-in RP, I’d maybe try the same as the above function but without the
and define the texture yourself (i.e.TEXTURE2D_X_FLOAT(_CameraDepthTexture); SAMPLER(sampler_CameraDepthTexture);
) or via the Blackboard as Texture2D property with Exposed unticked / Global scope. - For HDRP,
SampleCameraDepth(float2 uv)
in ShaderVariables.hlsl actually already uses an LOD version, you may still need to handle it in a Custom Function though.
Parallax Mapping (v10.1+) : Uses texture sample, but would only ever be used in the fragment stage.
Parallax Occlusion Mapping (v10.1+) : Technically I don’t think this node uses anything that would prevent it working in the vertex stage, but it would only ever be used in the fragment stage so is still limited to fragment-only.
Note, that when working with Sub Graphs, if one of these Fragment-only nodes is used, all it’s outputs cannot be connected to the Vertex stage. The shader won’t break if connections were made previously to converting it to a Sub Graph, but if un-connected, it won’t be possible to reconnect them without editing the Sub Graph. I recommend keeping all Vertex vs Fragment parts in completely separate Sub Graphs to avoid these issues.
If somehow you manage to create a connection to a Vertex port including a Fragment-only node, it will result in a shader error similar to cannot map expression to vs_5_0 instruction set
This final section includes some additional features of Shader Graph that I’d consider to be more advanced. Learning these might not be necessary to get started, but might be useful things to come back to! If you stop reading here, thanks for reading! Please consider sharing a link to others if you found this useful! <3
(I would have put some of the content in the Gradient & Array sections here instead, as that was also more advanced than I wanted the post to be, but felt it fits better to keep that under the Data Types section/heading)
Custom Interpolators
The Vertex stage is responsible for passing through any data (e.g. from the mesh) that may be needed in Fragment stage calculations. This is known as interpolators (as this data for each vertex is interpolated across the triangle). It is mostly handled automatically by Shader Graph - e.g. For nodes requiring UVs, the Position node, Normal Vector and other nodes in the Input → Geometry heading under the Create Node menu.
But in some cases we may also want to pass our own custom data between the two stages. In Shader Graph v12 (Unity 2021.2+), we can do this by adding Custom Interpolator blocks to the Vertex stage (by right-clicking, then selecting Add Block Node). There is a docs page here for this, but below also explains how to use it and some usage examples.
We can then change the name and type in the Node Settings tab of the Graph Inspector window while the block is selected.
You can have multiple interpolators. The maximum is 32, though the actual amount you can use will depend on the target platform (I believe gles platforms may be limited to 8, as they use the SubShader with target 2.0, even though gles3 can actually support more). The Shader Compile Targets docs page has some related info.
Also note that :
- As mentioned above, some interpolators will be taken up when using nodes that require the data in the fragment stage (nodes under Input → Geometry in Create Node menu)
- Interpolators can be up to
, and in the actual generated shader code it will try to pack multiple together to fit that (e.g. a Vector3 and Float, or two Vector2s), so counting the blocks won’t necessarily be accurate to the interpolator count used. It is better to check thePackedVaryings
struct in the generated code.
Some uses of Custom Interpolators :
- Meshes tend to have less vertices than fragments produced, so doing calculations in the vertex shader can be much cheaper, (but may not look as accurate).
- Gouraud shading for example, is when lighting models (e.g. Phong) are calculated per-vertex but this can result in geometry being fairly obvious (especially when low-poly).
- Obtaining the interpolated vertex position (Position node), or Screen Position, before vertex displacement (see below for examples)
- To pass something based on Vertex ID node to the fragment (e.g. see
example on the SL-ShaderSemantics docs page.
Custom Interpolators Example 1 - Undisplaced Position
When using the Position node in the Fragment stage, it will always have any vertex displacement applied (from calculation passed into the Position port on the Vertex stage). As an example, here we can use a Custom Interpolator block to pass the un-displaced position through.
In the fragment we can create the interpolator node (found under Create Node → Custom Interpolator)
Now compare our interpolator with the regular Position node in the Fragment stage (can use the Main Preview for this. Can right-click in that window to swap the mesh for a Plane). The Y axis of the interpolator produces a completely black result (as the vertex positions are at Y=0). But with the Position node version, we can see a gradient (specifically from -1 to 1, though the negative values also show as black here).
Of course, you’d only do this if the black result is what you required. I used this recently, to colour an fried egg shader. As the egg yolk has higher vertices and I (somewhat lazily) used a Step node (then into a Lerp) rather than applying a texture or vertex colors. But this required the undisplaced position otherwise other parts of the egg would appear yellow too as it displaces upwards.
Custom Interpolators Example 2 - Vertex Based Distortion
Perhaps you’d also use this if you are applying a texture by using a projection via Position node (usually known as worldspace planar mapping, somewhat of a precursor to triplanar mapping). If we want the texture to distort as the vertices move rather than stay static, then we need to handle the mapping with the position prior to the distortion. Here’s an example using Gradient Noise for displacement (on all XYZ axis) :
And then Fragment, comparing the result with the Main Preview (with Plane mesh) :
We could also do the same thing but with the Screen Position node instead for a screenspace mapping.
As mentioned previously, this is likely cheaper than a per-pixel approach to distortion (which is essentially the same calculation but all in the Fragment stage), but it definitely doesn’t look as accurate and would likely only fit in a old-PS1 style (or similar platforms around that time) or low-poly style (though this plane may need to be fairly high-poly still).
Custom Functions
Shader Graph is a powerful tool, but it can’t do everything. Some things might require code snippets to be used instead, which is where the Custom Function node would be used. It would also be useful for complex calculations as writing out math in code can be a lot easier than in node form.
Back in Unity 2018.1, there was a method of creating custom nodes using the CodeFunctionNode
class in the UnityEditor.ShaderGraph
namespace. This method is no longer accessible and will error if you attempt to use CodeFunctionNode in Shader Graph/URP/HDRP versions for Unity 2019.1+. The replacement was the in-graph node :
The Custom Function node can be added to a graph, then in v10+ settings for it is found in the Node Settings tab of the Graph Inspector window, while the node is selected in the graph. Prior to v10 the settings could be accessed by the small cog/gear icon on the node itself.
We can set the Inputs and Outputs for the function by using the “+” icon to add to the list. For each item, a dropdown is shown to change it’s data type. This affects the ports on the node.
There is two Types for the node :
- String : We can write HLSL code directly in the Body field that appears. For example, with two inputs A and B :
- File : We can use an external .hlsl (or .cginc) file and set the node to use it with the Source field that appears. The file should use a specific template. Some examples are below :
The Name of the function isn’t too important if using the String mode but they must be unique or the function may override another. If using the File mode the Name must match the name of the function you want to use, without the precision prefix. A file can contain multiple functions, but the Custom Function node will only use the one with the name you set.
A common use for custom functions is for custom lighting models (e.g. Toon shaders). I have shared the functions and Sub Graphs that I use for this on my Github (It’s also a package so can be added to a project using the HTTPs link (ending with .git) in the Package Manager using the “Add package from Git URL” option)
Better Texture Data Types
In Shader Graph v10.3+, Unity added the following data structures, four for Textures and one for the SamplerState data type :
- UnityTexture2D
- UnityTexture2DArray
- UnityTexture3D
- UnityTextureCube
- UnitySamplerState
Defined in pipelines.core/ShaderLibrary/Texture.hlsl.
These can be used as input/output arguments in a Custom Function node as alternatives to the Texture2D, Texture2DArray, Texture3D, TextureCube and SamplerState objects (which are now referred to as “bare” types). The purpose of these new non-bare structs is to handle connections for the texture data types in a more consistent way.
For example :
It’s possible now to access the SamplerState from a Texture through unityTex.samplerstate
(as shown above), as well as the TexelSize through unityTex.texelSize
(That one is UnityTexture2D only though). The texture is accessed via unityTex.tex
, though the SAMPLE_TEXTURE2D
macro can be used with new struct types too.
Custom Function nodes created prior to this change will set their inputs/outputs as the “Bare” types when updated. This allows the function to still work as it was originally intended, but switching them to “non-Bare” allows you to use the new samplerstate/texelsize access.
For more information/examples on how to use these types with the Custom Function node, see this answer on the FAQ page.
Shader Pass Defines
In URP, Prior to v10 it was possible to use a Predefined Boolean Keyword to switch between using code for different shader passes as a define would be added in each pass. These defines are still available in v10+ but how they were defined was changed which broke the ability to use a Keyword. It is still possible to handle it through a Custom Function node however.
These defines for URP are :
For HDRP a similar list can be found here.
Shader Graph also uses SHADERPASS_PREVIEW
for it’s previews. Though you can also check for this using :
This can be important for some code that isn’t available in the preview stage.
To use one of the pass defines in v10+ to output different values for a specific pass, the following Custom Function could be used :
Here I’m using the String mode, but you could also use the File mode and the #include
could then be moved outside the function too. The ShaderPass.hlsl
file is only important for defining values to each of the SHADERPASS
defines I listed before. I find it a bit strange that Shader Graph isn’t generating the include for this file automatically (in URP v10.2.2 at least). It is using the defines from that file so really should be including it. I would assume this is a bug.
(Thanks to ElliotB who shared their findings on the changes to this in v10+ on the Unity discord & forums).
As for HDRP, they correctly include their ShaderPass.cs.hlsl
file. Note that their shadow pass is SHADERPASS_SHADOWS
as an example, if you actually wanted to have an object cast shadows without rendering normally, or only remove shadows, you can easily do this by changing the Cast Shadows option on the Mesh Renderer component, to Shadows Only or Off. The function here is just an example. The 0 and 1 used as the output could be replaced with two inputs for more control over which values are used, and would allow them to be different per fragment/pixel (e.g. based on Simple Noise or the result of a Sample Texture 2D).
Viewing/Editing Generated Shader Code
Behind the scenes, Shader Graph generates shader code specific to the render pipeline you’re working in (URP/HDRP). In v10+ it’s possible to view this code using the View Generated Shader button in Unity’s Inspector window when the Shader Graph Asset is selected in the Project window. Prior to v10 you could instead right-click the Master node to find this option.
This will generate the code into a temporary file, allowing you to view it.
If you plan to edit the code, you must first save the shader file somewhere in your Assets folder. It can then be treated similarly to any other code-written shader (but still requires the Shader Graph package to be installed to function). It is separate from the graph asset now though, so you’ll need to switch the shader on materials to use the code version. Changes to the code will also not update the graph, and vice versa.
Sometimes Shader Graph can be a bit limited, so it can be useful to edit the generated code to extend what it is possible in graph form. For example, adding Stencil operations. (It’s also possible to override this on the RenderObjects feature for the URP Forward Renderer. That is outside of the scope of this tutorial though, it’s long enough already!)
Be aware that the code might include multiple SubShaders depending on the targets under the Graph Settings. I’ve also seen URP ones convert to two SubShaders, one intended for gles platforms (& using shader model 2) and another for other platforms (using shader model 4.5). If you’re editing the code make sure you edit the one being used by your target (or both). The gles one seems to not include the DOTS_INSTANCING_ON
multi_compile/keyword, so I would assume the reason for separating it into two versions is related to that.
Thanks for reading! 😊
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