Shoreline Shader Breakdown
A few shader techniques I've used in the past for mapping waves crashing into the shore/beach & leaving behind wet sand

Sun Beams / God Rays Shader Breakdown
Using billboarded quads (or particles) to produce a god rays effect

2D Water Shader Breakdown
A water shader intended for 2D, with pixelated highlights, distortion, reflections and simplified shoreline waves/ripples

Ultraviolet Lights & Invisible Ink
Examples for revealing invisible objects (especially decals, such as fingerprints or hidden messages) based on lights, stencils and other masking methods

Book (w/ Turnable Pages) Breakdown
A book with pages that flip/turn via vertex displacement, and selects a portion of a texture containing all pages.

Waterfall Shader Breakdown
A waterfall shader that interacts with a sphere to part the flowing water. Uses a signed distance field and alpha clipping.

Custom Renderer Features
Goes through examples of Renderer Features and explains how to write Custom Renderer Features and Scriptable Render Passes for Universal RP

Fractured Cube Breakdown
Uses a shader which displaces (scales/rotates) vertices of a prefractured mesh with pivots baked into UV maps

Snowglobe Breakdown
Glass globe shader with background refraction & reflection. Particles are contained inside which inherit Rigidbody movements.

Tentacle Shader Breakdown
A shader that uses vertex displacement to simulate a tentacle grabbing / wrapping around an object