Shader Graph

Sprite Glow/Outline Shader Breakdown
A shader which uses a signed distance field stored in the sprite texture's alpha channel to create an outline/glow (and inner-glow) effect, with control over the colour and thickness

Sprite Stencil Overlay Breakdown
An example of using the RenderObjects feature on the Forward Renderer to produce an overlay effect for sprites (not compatible with the 2D renderer)

Dissolve Shader Breakdown
A shader which uses noise and step functions to discard pixels to create a dissolving effect. Also provides examples for dissolving based on height / Y and using view space position as UVs to avoid seams

Toon Glass Shader Breakdown
A shader which produces solid diagonal lines across a quad's surface that moves with the camera position to simulate toon-like glass reflections

Fog Plane Shader Breakdown
Two examples of vertical fog effects produced using the depth texture (scene depth)

Cloud Shader Breakdown
A shader applied to a flat subdivided plane where vertices are offset vertically based on layered noise, moving at different rates, to create a cloud effect. Also uses scene depth to produce a softer transition with intersecting game objects

Forcefield Shader Breakdown
A forcefield shader using fresnel effect for glowing edges, scene depth for object intersections and scene colour to produce ripples/distortion

Forcefield Shader Breakdown (Simple)
A simple version of a forcefield shader, using fresnel effect for glowing edges and scene depth for intersections with objects in the scene

Jellyfish Shader Breakdown
A shader that displaces vertices based on sine waves in order to animate a Jellyfish mesh

Vertex Displacement
A post explaining how to move vertices in Shader Graph, providing examples such as swaying grass and animated fish and butterflies. Also includes info about recalculating normal vectors.