Recent Posts
Below lists the most recent posts (including edits), from any category. Maximum of 10 posts - For full list, see Contents

Intro to Shader Graph
A detailed introduction on how to use Unity Shader Graph! Graph setup, Data types, Understanding Previews, Properties, Keywords, Sub Graphs and more!

Shoreline Shader Breakdown
A few shader techniques I've used in the past for mapping waves crashing into the shore/beach & leaving behind wet sand

Sun Beams / God Rays Shader Breakdown
Using billboarded quads (or particles) to produce a god rays effect

Custom Renderer Features
Goes through examples of Renderer Features and explains how to write Custom Renderer Features and Scriptable Render Passes for Universal RP

Local UVs for Sprites in Sprite Sheet/Atlas
A small post explaining how to convert the UVs of a sprite sheet (or sprites packed in an atlas) into local 0-1 coordinates across each sprite in the shader

Sprite Stencil Overlay Breakdown
An example of using the RenderObjects feature on the Forward Renderer to produce an overlay effect for sprites (not compatible with the 2D renderer)

2D Water Shader Breakdown
A water shader intended for 2D, with pixelated highlights, distortion, reflections and simplified shoreline waves/ripples

Ultraviolet Lights & Invisible Ink
Examples for revealing invisible objects (especially decals, such as fingerprints or hidden messages) based on lights, stencils and other masking methods

Toon Glass Shader Breakdown
A shader which produces solid diagonal lines across a quad's surface that moves with the camera position to simulate toon-like glass reflections